Q & A Mentioned in Original Edition Feelings 101 book

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This Supplemental Material is for the original edition of Feelings 101 (published March 2010).


If you do not own a copy of Feelings 101: Pain to Peace, you should not be on this page. These materials are for your own personal use provided you own the book and are using the materials.


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The information presented here focuses on spiritual dynamics and practical application challenges and issues which become more apparent in light of the material in Feelings 101: Pain to Peace. Do not interpret the passion and certainty with which we write to mean that there may not be exceptions or other Scriptural teachings relevant to the questions we are trying to address. Be aware that some of the answers to the questions below appropriately assume you are actively working to practically apply the spiritual concepts and dynamics brought out by the exercises in Feelings 101 and that you are familiar with the concepts being discussed from that standpoint as well. Finally, as these answers supplement the material from Feelings 101, the Scriptural concepts, dynamics, and especially some of the terms we use to emphasize aspects of Scriptural concepts, are not re-explained by these answers.


Q&A for 1st Edition of F101 (published March 2010)

The answers to the questions below were specifically mentioned as Supplemental Information in the text of the 1st (original) edition of Feelings 101: Pain to Peace (chapter, section, and page are in parenthesis). They are listed in the order they appear in the book. The links will open a PDF in a separate window.


1. What are judgments? (Chapter 2, Exercise 2, page 85) Read More

2. What are religious/moral judgments? (Chapter 3, Christian Raw Recruits, page 96) Read More

3. How can we say we are really in control of our lives if we are consciously aware of such a small percentage of our total experience? Why is this relevant to the Christian life? (Chapter 3, Science Unknowingly Discovers "The Flesh," page 117) Read More

4. How many personal UNtruths do we have to deal with? (Chapter 4, Personal UNtruth, page 155) Read More

5. Where do misinterpretations and miscommunications come from? (Chapter 6, What Peace Is All About, page 214) Read More

6. What if I don't feel much? How can I be sure I am really paying attention to my heart? (Chapter 6, Peace of Christ, page 218) Read More

7. How do we know what the new self really looks like? How can we know we are not being duped by our old selves? (Chapter 6, The Pause, page 238) Read More

8. How can listening to the Holy Spirit help me deal with painful memories? How do I get awful dreams or nightmares to stop? (Chapter 6, Biology of Personal UNtruth, page 244) Read More

9. How do my preferences and desires relate to acting in God's Truth about me versus personal UNtruth? (Chapter 7, 7 Spiritual Principles, Principle 4 Goal 3, page 295) Read More

10.What is the nature of heresy and false teaching, and how are we to deal with it? (Chapter 8, Commitment 3, "False Teachers," page 343) Read More


Extra Q&A for F101 Original Edition

The five answers to the questions below are not tied to a specific place in Feelings 101: Pain to Peace. They do supplement the material in Feelings 101 on the whole. These are a couple additional questions that were asked of the authors by different believers (who actively worked with the material in Feelings 101, but prior to the original release of the book).

1. I don't learn new skills well; is the skill of listening to God applicable for all believers? Why do some people have an easier time learning new skills? Read More

2. Why do some people seem to be more successful at living better and more enjoyable lives than others? Read More

3. Why do some people seem to experience less pain than others? Why do some people experience more pain? Read More

4. How do we know whether the conscious belief we have is based on a personal UNtruth? How can we know if our actions are based on the Truth behind our religious and/or moral values? Read More

5. How is prejudice related to personal UNtruth? Read More


The material on this page is an excerpt from
Feelings 101: Pain to Peace,
and has been adapted with permission for this website.