A Disciple's Heart

A Disciple's Heart helps you look at what kind of discipleship you have been experiencing, and what you seek from being discipled. 



A Disciple's Heart looks at how each believer in Jesus Christ is His disciple. A disciple's heart is to be open to the guidance of the Spirit of God, especially during trials. This book looks at the relationship between listening to the voice of God with your heart and discipleship. It challenges you to examine yourself in terms of how well you are being discipled by the Spirit of God. Are you confident in your ability to hear His counsel and guidance during any of your real-life trials and spiritual battles?


A Disciple's Heart provides a solid and thought-provoking introduction to a number of Biblical concepts dealing with being discipled by God's Spirit during trials. It compares and contrasts being discipled IN the elementary teachings of Christ (the basics) and being discipled BEYOND those teachings. It also looks at how important the differences are when it comes to practical application in normal everyday living for Christ. (Hebrews 5:11-6:3)


Finally, A Disciple's Heart also identifies the kinds of settings or environments in which we can be discipled beyond the basics. It looks at Scriptural examples. The book also looks at the challenges and strengths of each environment, as well as how Satan might attack believers in each.


One additional point about A Disciple's Heart for those who minister to others in a personal one-on-one setting (whether professionally or simply as a fellow brother or sister in Christ):

Discipleship beyond the basics is crucial to helping others experience the peace of Christ and find God's guidance, counsel and comfort during trials.

Often, walking with believers through their spiritual battles is tough. Not everyone feels called to do thisBy "walking with believers" during their spiritual battles, we mean something more than just passing on an encouraging word or praying for them. To be truthful, some believers aren't ready for that kind of support; however, many seek it. 

This aspect of discipleship is about being willing to be involved in a person's life during their trials. It can be tough providing that aspect of ministry to others. It takes time and energy. It also takes great care to help others discern the guidance that God's Spirit is seeking to communicate to them in their hearts, but without telling them what we (as supporters) think they should do! That's a big role and a big commitment. It is a big responsibility. The role is one of a "human teacher," i.e., a teacher that points to THE Teacher, the Holy Spirit. God uses "human teachers" as one way to strengthen believers in their walks when they are really looking to grow more deeply in Christ.

Discipleship beyond the basics is vital to helping others experience the peace of Christ in sadness, concern and worry.

A Disciple's Heart brings out several things to consider when it comes to walking with others in this way, or being the person who wants somebody to walk with them in this way.


A Disciple's Heart is a great introductory book to discipleship beyond the basics.

Answers questions related to discipleship beyond the basics. Talks to the Holy Spirit's role in discipleship.

William J. Clark Jr. with

CH (COL) William J. Clark, Ret. 


This title is sold out. A second edition will be forthcoming.

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